Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Here is an interesting review. It includes some exit interviews with kids of various ages. Some interesting insights.

Apparently there is only one negative review out there. It was quickly followed be headlines like "Pixar's UP gets it's first negative review" It is quite interesting to read the comments that people have added about the review.

I am bringing my two children with me tomorrow, and will encourage them to take part in the discourse afterward. It might be interesting to get opinions directly from an 8 and 12 year old girl. Judging from the trailers it looks like the movie is aimed more at boys than girls.


  1. : ) Actually, this is a comment on the Unit you and Jen presented today: I loved it, and found myself thinking, "If science had been like this when I was in school, maybe I would have followed through with that dream of going into medicine!" I found myself interested, and wanting to know more: your respective studnets will be very, very lucky!!!

  2. I really loved this video review... cool.
